
Burn After Reading

well i do have to say as much as I despise the Coen Brothers for stealing Paul Thomas Anderson's awards at the Oscars for Best Director, and Best Picture (there will be blood should have won and everyone knows it!) I do have to say that this next movie really looks good...

I had seen the trailer before but I after I saw it in theaters for the 2nd time (1st Dark Knight, 2nd X-Files) it really hit me how awesome this movie is going to be, now I was going to put the Red Band trailer up, but i actually like the regular one better.

great cast IMO and the story dosent seem to bad either, but to close it up, I have finished the Watchmen Graphic Novel and let's just say I am VERY excited for the movie, and i hope Zack Synder dosen't fuck it up cause 300 really ain't that great.


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